Making of Urban

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Making of Urban


Making of Urban

The objective of this mattepainting was above all to improve my skills. I did not have an precise idea of what would give the final image. I wanted simply to carry out a urban landscape and to integrate natural elements into it.

The images used were found on the internet except the principal image which I bought on Fotolia.

 Environment and Painting - Addition of a new sky created from several images of clouds found on google. At this stage, I start to “destroy” certain parts of the buildings, the panes, etc…

Flood - Addition of water. Render is a big work which requires a particular care concerning the lights and the reflections. The final texture of water is a mix of several photographs of rivers, ponds, etc…

Some steps for the water texture

The mix between different layers is done by using the blending modes.

Characters - The light imports enormously for a coherent integration of the characters. I still use «density» tools and blending modes to associate the different elements.

Vegetation - Same operations here as before

Final steps - The mains stages. Below, you can see all the elements added over the original image… not very aesthetic but helpful :)

I hope this «mini makin of» could help you ;-) Please email me if you have any query or suggestion. Download the making in PDF